How Can You Make Yoga a Bit More Inclusive?

Ever been to a yoga class? Did you feel that you are at a wrong place? Perhaps, you have come with some injuries or other conditions and due to these, you did not feel like catered to well. It happens. 

You might have also felt a bit over-extended, slightly agitated, or a bit invisible. 

As yoga teachers, it is important to create inclusivity in yoga. With this process, the students feel great, it can make the entire practice more effective and importantly, much safer. When you are planning to start your yoga class, Kundalini yoga meditation, you should be working on the following three things: 

  • Consider your students: if you already know that your students are ahead of time, you can understand and plan ways you can be more inclusive in your class to be more inclusive in your class. See if you have pregnant students, or maybe students who are less mobile, check their level of experiences and add more inclusivity in your classes. 
  • Consider some physical tools: You must encourage your students to include in your class and how you can start supporting your students in a better way. For example, if you are considering using various yoga postures, you could consider a couple of things such as props, adjustments, modification or some alternative poses. 
  • Consider some communication tools: While delivering Kundalini yoga meditation, you should emphasize on physical elements as well as communication, which is crucial when it comes to being inclusive. 

We hope our tips will help you have a good yoga time.


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